Jewish Family Service: Outreach during the holidays

by | Aug 31, 2023 | Other News

Stephanie Peck
Among its many activities, Jewish Family Service attempts to make all the major Jewish holidays better for those who might need a bit of a boost or metaphorical hug.

Prior to Rosh Hashanah, for example, Jewish Family Service will deliver holiday gift bags to Jewish residents living in non-Jewish senior facilities. These offerings include challah rolls, apples and honey, a Jewish calendar, and a handmade card created by members of the “Come Together” series hosted by KBH in August. In facilities such as The Talbot on Granby, First Colonial Inn, and Westminster Canterbury, where five or more Jewish individuals reside, JFS wants “seniors in the area to know that they’re not forgotten,” says Jody Laibstain, JFS director of volunteer services.

Often, these individuals are unaware that the Jewish New Year is ahead, and this outreach serves as a reminder of the upcoming holiday. JFS provides similar outreach during Hannukah, Purim, and Passover.

Know someone who could benefit from this free service? Call Jody Laibstain at 757-321-2227.

September is Hunger Action Month

For Yom Kippur, Jewish Family Service encourages area synagogues to host food drives. This summer, JFS’s Food Pantry saw an increased need due to the high cost of groceries, making the anticipated Yom Kippur donations even more important to help resupply the Food Pantry for the fall.

Non-perishable food items, cleaning supplies, detergent, and other household items are all in high demand. Donations are needed and appreciated. To give, check for congregational food drives or drop food and supplies at the Sandler Family Campus.

Families in need

Jewish Family Service offers food and financial assistance to local families in need during the holidays and all year. If you or someone you know could benefit from this assistance, contact Maryanne Kettlye at 757-459-4640.