With a Jewish Accent,” Sundays, 2 pm
Nov. 4, Jarrod Tanny
Dec. 7, Dr. Maura Hametz
Jan. 11, Peter Adams
March 1, Dr. Adam Mendelsohn
The Jewish Museum and Cultural Center’s 7th Annual Lecture series begins on Sunday, Nov. 4 with Jarrod Tanny, professor of Jewish History at University of North Carolina, Wilmington. He will discuss Jewish humor “From the Borscht Belt to the Bible Belt.”
Dr. Maura Hametz, professor of history at Old Dominion University, will speak about Jewish perspectives on racial issues as depicted from archival letters she has researched on Sunday, Dec. 7. She will focus on Southern vs. Northern views, as well as new immigrant vs. more established immigrants gleaned from letters of two Harvard University students around 1920. The letters were written by Samuel Spitzer, Minette Cooper’s uncle.
Sundays Peter Adams, an adjunct professor at Old Dominion University who has recently published a book, Politics and the Making of American Judaism, will speak about Americanizing the Diaspora on Sunday, Jan. 11.
The final speaker on Sunday, March 1, is University of Charleston’s Dr. Adam Mendelsohn. His topic is the Jewish immigrant roles in the development of the garment industry in the United States. His new book, The Rag Race, will be published in December.
The Jewish Museum and Cultural Center is located at 607 Effingham St. in Portsmouth. For information, call 757-391-9266 or visit www.jewishmuseumportsmouth.org.