Jim Schuyler speaks on: Phoebe Yates Levy Pember: A Woman of Valor
Sunday, Sept. 30, 4 pm
name not often recognized, Phoebe Pember was a Jewish woman whose portrait is featured on a U.S. postage stamp. Why such a distinguished honor? Why has she been referred to as a Jewish Clara Barton?
This leture will focus on her extraordinary life and her contributions and achievements during the Civil War.
Jim Schuyler is executive director of Virginia Community Action Partnership in Richmond. He served for two years as executive director of the Beth Ahabah Museum and Archives and is a graduate of New York University and Harvard Law School.
This is the first in the 2012–2013 Jewish Museum & Cultural Center Lecture Series. $15; $50 for series of four. For information, call 391-9266 or go to jewishmuseumportsmouth.org.