What is there to do at Shul?Children are not always ready for the grownup services, primarily because they are not as meaningful as they might be to an adult and it is hard to sit still without fidgeting.
Over the past few months, B’nai Israel has completely overhauled its Shabbos morning children’s program. Dubbed “Bisli,” the name of a popular Israeli snack, it is also an acronym for “Bnai Israel Shabbos Learning Institute.”
Catering to children in Pre-K through third grade, Bisli is run by Shira Baila Seldes and her handpicked middle school and high school assistants. Housed in the Fred L. Aron Educational wing, the students arrive at 10 am for their own age-appropriate services followed by a review of the weekly portion, a snack, a game, and a learning activity. With a new activity every 15 minutes, students find the program both engaging and compelling. They use their time in a fun and productive way and their parents are given the opportunity to attend the services in the main sanctuary.
At the end of the program a raffle is held, prizes are distributed, and the students join their parents as they lead the Adon Olam and final parts of the service.
There is no charge for Bisli and the program is open to all Jewish youth. Professional childcare is also available for younger children.
For more information, drop by or contact the B’nai Israel office at 757-627-7358 or office@bnaiisrael.org.