Matching Gift Programs ensure donations matter even more

by | Dec 7, 2012 | Other News

Two matching gift programs are currently in place that give new or increased donations to the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater a higher monetary value.

The programs translate into the community having a greater impact on improving the lives of Jews in Tidewater, in the United States, in Israel and around the globe.

The first of these programs is for synagogue members. The philosophy behind the program, funded by the Simon Family Foundation of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation, is that if synagogues are stronger, the Federation is stronger, and if the Federation is stronger, than synagogues will be stronger.

For a member of a synagogue who has never before made a gift to the UJFT Annual Campaign, or who hasn’t donated in two years or more, for every two dollar gift, one dollar will be matched, half of which goes directly to support the Synagogue-Federation grants program. The grant funding to eligible temples is a Simon Family Foundation initiative of the Synagogue-Federation Partnership of the Tidewater Jewish Community.

Example: Abraham who fits the new or returning donor category gives $360. The matching program adds $180 to the value of his gift. $90 of that added value goes directly back to his synagogue when it receives its grant funding in 2013.

The second program is a Matching Gift program for current donors, funded by the Tidewater Jewish Foundation and two anonymous donors.

In this program, if a donor’s gift increases by 10 percent or more, the percentage amount will be matched.

Example: Sarah gives $360. She increases her gift by 10 percent to $396. Her additional $36 generosity becomes $72. If she had increased by even more, say by $54, then that additional $54 becomes a $108 donation.

“We owe a great deal to Jerry Miller and Karen Jaffe, co-chairs of the UJFT Strategic Planning process whose visionary leadership along with that of the UJFT board of directors who put these ideas in motion to build a strong Tidewater Jewish Community,” says Alvin Wall, UJFT president. “We also owe a great deal to Amy Levy, 2013 Annual Campaign chair and her team for bringing these initiatives to fruition and implementing them.”

To make a gift, or to find out how to personally make a difference, visit