Benjamin and Allie Fues-Yarow on the birth of their daughter, Lennon Mae Fues-Yarow, on October 14, 2024. The family lives in Arlington, Va.
Proud grandparents are Rick and Debi Yarow of Norfolk and Eric and Liza Fues and Heather McAfee of Bethesda, Md.
Proud great-grandmothers are Carol Smith of Norfolk and Seena Goldberg of Atlanta, Ga.
Ilana Shayna Peck on her engagement to Meir Simcha Leibler.
Ilana’s parents are Marcy and Michael Mostofsky of Norfolk and Dr. Larry and Melina Peck of Berkely, Calif.
Meir is the son of Avraham and Shulamit Leibler of Har Nof, Israel.
Ilana is the granddaughter of Nancy and Stanley Peck of Norfolk and Meir is the grandson of Freda Steinberg of Israel.

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