Dear Readers,
We all love a celebration—no matter the reason or occasion. And, why not? After all, celebrations are generally times for laughter and visits and, at nearly every Jewish event, food.
Fortunately, myriad reasons abound to say “Mazel Tov!” and throw a party or get together with family and friends.
Consider our article on the next page about Dorothy Salomonsky. This year marks her 25th with Jewish Family Service. Her achievements at JFS have meant assistance for thousands of people. Mazel Tov and thank you Dorothy!
Annie Sandler’s recent election as JDC vice president is reason enough to say Mazel Tov! But, like in so many things she does, Annie shares her achievement with Tidewater, as she is the first from the community to serve on the board of this leading global humanitarian organization. Lisa Richmon’s interview with her is on page 17.
Planning a wedding? Natalie Abraham, a wedding and event planner based in Israel, shares the secrets behind Jewish wedding traditions and rituals on page 18. All good to know—and understand—especially for those in wedding mode.
In an article on page 14, also written by Abraham, she offers up some tips on planning a destination event in Israel. While some of her suggestions are specific to Israel and its rules, most make sense for a destination event anywhere. Many even apply to events taking place in your hometown.
As always, we have additional articles within this section, along with some terrific advertisers—great places to dine and shop.
Whatever the reason, or excuse, I hope you always have plenty of opportunities to wish and receive Mazel Tov greetings. Click here to see the digital Mazel Tov section.
Terri Denison