Meet Tidewater’s new Shinshinim

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Jewish Tidewater, Other News

Tidewater is starting its third year working with the Jewish Agency for Israel, hosting Shinshinim (Israeli Emissaries) to bring Israeli culture, knowledge, and experiences to people of all ages. Shinshin is an acronym for Shenat Sherut – a year of service given by an elite group of kids between high school and their mandatory army service in Israel.

Tidewater is fortunate this year to host Danielle Hartman and Emily Patyuk.

Patyuk is 18 years old and lives in Kiryat Ekron with her parents and younger brother. Her parents made Aliyah through the Jewish Agency for Israel from Belarus and Ukraine. In high school, she studied communications, Arabic, and diplomacy. During her free time, she enjoys traveling, counseling, and playing the guitar. Patyuk says she views working with the Jewish Diaspora as a mission involving education, PR, Zionism, and representing Israel.

Hartman is 18 years old and lives in Kfar Saba with her parents and two sisters. In high school, she majored in international studies and history, where she learned law, rhetoric, international relationships, and communication. In her free time, she plays volleyball and engages in sports and combat fitness. Hartman has been a counselor in the Scouts for four years.

Danielle Hartman
Danielle Hartman
Emily Patyuk.
Emily Patyuk.

To help Tidewater get to know the new Shinshinim, Danielle Hartman and Emily Patyuk responded to these questions:

Jewish News: What made you apply for the Shinshinim program?
Emily Patyuk: When I heard about this program, I knew immediately I had to apply! As a daughter of two immigrants, I know the importance of the Jewish Agency, so it felt just like destiny!
Danielle Hartman: I had a guide who did this program seven years ago, and since then, it has been my biggest dream. I really want to influence the connection between Jewish communities abroad with Israel.

JN: What are some of your interests/hobbies?
EP: I love playing my guitar, reading books, and being in nature.
DH: I like to work out, be with my friends, go to the beach, and be with my Scout tribe.

JN: Are there any places you would like to visit while you are here?
EP: I would love to visit NYC, DC, and all the great nature spots you have nearby.
DH: Hawaii is my dream place to visit!

JN: What previous experience do you have with America?
EP: Just American Eagle Outfitters. Haha! I’ve never been to America, so no experience at all! But I’m looking forward to exploring and experiencing it.
DH: I was a counselor in the “Israeli Scouts delegation to the U.S.” last summer. I went to a Jewish summer camp in Washington state (Camp Solomon Schechter) and it was the best three months of my life.

JN: Are you curious about anything you have heard about America?
EP: Yeah, do Target and Walmart really sell everything?
DH: I am curious about Independence Day and Election Day in the United States.

Both young women also say they are a combination of an introvert and an extrovert, they both like to relax at the beach, and December is their favorite month.

Hartman and Patyuk will be all over Tidewater this year, leading programs about the amazing things that Israel offers for groups of all ages through their unique points of view.

Those who are interested in taking the Shinshinim on an adventure, hosting them for a meal, bringing them to an organization, or getting to know them better over coffee, should go to or contact Nofar Trem at

Stay up to date on the exciting things these Shinshinim have in store for Jewish Tidewater on the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Facebook page.