Temple Israel participated in another successful Mitzvah of the Month in June by conducting a Jewish Family Service food drive titled, “Bare Necessities.”
Members of the congregation donated money, food, and products that families need to survive the summer. Throughout June, extremely generous benefactors brought their contributions or called in monetary donations that enabled the congregation to fill an entire room at Temple Israel with basic necessities, as well as allowed it to purchase 220 pounds of chicken, 100 pounds of hamburgers, and 60 pounds of lunch meat.
Their philanthropic participation assured that those in need—including children and families—could receive Temple Israel’s help anonymously, which is significant about supporting Jewish Family Service.
On Tuesday, June 29, Jody Laibstain and Bob LeBlanc from Jewish Family Service went to Temple Israel, along with Marissa Simon, Melissa Eichelbaum, and Andi Eichelbaum, to load six SUV’s with the food and non-perishable items. Nancy Tucker and Corey Whitten also helped load the vehicles.
Each month, the temple chooses a Mitzvah of the Month, under the guidance of Norman Soroko, vice president of Outreach and Community. ”I would like to thank Steven Legum, Lorna Legum, Nancy Tucker, Mark Solberg, Anthony Wilson, Richard and Valerie Yanku, Shannon Ponnak, and our security Guard, Sargent DJ for their help,” says Soroko.
During July, the congregation adopted Granby Elementary School on Newport Avenue and is collecting school supplies for the K through fifth grade so when the students return to school in September, they will have an abundance of school supplies.