Lisa Barr, MD.
Outsmart Your Pain!
The Essential Guide to Overcoming Pain and Transforming Your Life
Lisa Barr, MD
Illustrations by Tim Sovine
Synergy Health Quest, LLC, 2018
ISBN 13: 978-1-7320011-0-7
In the opening pages of Outsmart Your Pain!, Lisa Barr, MD, says, “The science of pain is always changing.” Two pages later, she notes, “The purpose of this book, and my mission in life, is to help you gain a better perspective of what pain is, what it isn’t, and what you can do about it.”
In fact, Outsmart Your Pain! is an easy-to-read book that not just helps, but encourages readers to learn to help themselves lead a healthier, more balanced, and ultimately, pain-free life.
But readers don’t have to be in pain to benefit from the read. While Barr explains how stress causes pain, for example, her suggestions on reducing and controlling stress are valuable lessons whether you are in pain or not. The same goes for the section on sleep. And, for the pages on nutrition. Likewise, when Barr discusses perfectionism, which, she says in many ways is perfectly paired with pain. In other words, the book offers myriad ways to enhance the reader’s lifestyle and improve daily practices—even if already pain-free.
Of course, for those who do suffer from chronic pain, Barr addresses topics such as drugs, emotions, inflammation, and pain triggers, among many other causes and results of pain.
Barr suggests ways to “kick the pain habit and master your pain” in order to lead a productive and satisfying life. She also discusses preventative measures.
Barr’s writing style is conversational, making the book an easy read. Written from the perspective of her experience as a board-certified pain physician, Barr writes as if she’s speaking to her patients, creating an instant connection between author and reader.
One section of the book that I wish had been included is an index. Perhaps in the next edition.
A Norfolk native, Lisa Binder Barr is a graduate of Eastern Virginia Medical School. She is a board-certified physiatrist with a practice in Virginia Beach.
Reviewed by Terri Denison
Terri Denison is editor of Jewish News.