Nadiv men’s group wraps up successful year, aims for 25K in 2025

Nadiv capped off another terrific year of Jewish philanthropy, social action, and networking during a social at the Virginia Beach home of Bonnie and David Brand on Tuesday, May 14. 

This past programming year (which ran from August 2023 to May 2024), Nadiv raised $8,795 through a combination of 36 member contributions and a community-wide March Madness bracket challenge. Since the group began in 2017 (and despite a two-year hiatus during COVID), Nadiv has raised more than $30,000 for local Jewish causes. 

Open to Jewish men in the community between the ages of 22 and 49, Nadiv elected to spread this year’s funds across four Hillels at state colleges – UVA, Virginia Tech, William & Mary, and Old Dominion. 

“Nadiv members like that they can choose where our funds go,” says Tim Thornton, outgoing Nadiv chair. “We had a meaning- ful conversation in the spring about where to donate and we all felt that Jewish students at Virginia colleges need support right now in light of anti-Israel efforts on campus.” 

Big changes await Nadiv for the 2024-2025 year. The group’s new chair is Sam Molofsky, a longtime member of Tidewater’s Jewish community. Plus, the minimum gift to the Federation to be in Nadiv is now $365, up from $180 in previous years. 

In addition, the group has moved from a program within the Young Adult Division (YAD) of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater to now fall under the Federation’s Men’s Division. The group extends sincere thanks to Elana McGovern, YAD director – and previous YAD directors –for the financial and programmatic support as Nadiv has grown since its creation. 

Finally, Nadiv hopes to stage a Jewish community-wide poker tournament in spring 2025. Combined with its popular March Madness bracket challenge, Nadiv has a goal to raise $25,000 in a single year.

Jewish men in the community between the ages of 22 and 49 who are interested in joining Nadiv should contact Amy Zelenka, UJFT chief development officer at

Nadiv members Rabbi Avi Farkas, Mark Gamsey, Mike Yaary, and Ben Rubinstein.