Thursday, Sept. 18, 4–5:30 pm,
Town Point Club, World Trade Center in Norfolk
When it comes to heart problems, most physicians focus on the heart alone. But how many know that lungs can play a critical role in heart health, too?
Dr. Brett Fenster, assistant professor in the Division of Cardiology at National Jewish Health, is one of the leaders in the research and treatment of cardio-pulmonary conditions such as pulmonary hypertension, a difficult-to-diagnose condition that hospitalizes more than 200,000 Americans a year and can lead to heart failure. The heart and lungs work closely together, so the best place for the most effective treatment of any cardio-pulmonary problem is a medical center with top expertise in both areas—a description that fits National Jewish Health.
Learn how Dr. Fenster and his team are discovering better ways to diagnose pulmonary hypertension through four-dimensional cardiac MRI technology at this free event.
For more information and to RSVP, call 703-519-5760 or email: