Nophar Tzilil Yarden wins Feldman Family Medical & Health Professions Student Scholarship

by | Aug 31, 2023 | Other News

The recipient of the 2023 Feldman Family Medical & Health Professions Student Scholarship is Nophar Tzilil Yarden, a third-year medical school student at Virginia Commonwealth University. The scholarship is administered through Tidewater Jewish Foundation.

Raised in a home rich with Jewish traditions and values, Yarden says she cherishes her heritage and actively engages with the Jewish community within and beyond her home. With a family deeply connected to Israel, her personal and academic journeys have been enriched by her time living there – from ages five to 12 years old.

Pursuing the practice of women’s health, Yarden’s commitment to her studies is reinforced by the importance of balance and finding outlets beyond academia, which include her dedication to her community. She teaches Hebrew at a local synagogue twice weekly, fostering connections and exemplifying the values of diligence, community strengthening, and a strong sense of her Jewish identity.

“Empowering and investing in the next generation of medical and health professionals within the Jewish community is a responsibility and a privilege,” says Dr. and Mrs. William Feldman. “By establishing the Feldman Family Medical & Health Professions Student Scholarship through Tidewater Jewish Foundation, we aim to nurture talent, promote education, and foster a spirit of service that aligns with the values and traditions of our heritage. Through this scholarship, we aspire to contribute not only to advancing healthcare, but also to the strength and vibrancy of our Jewish community, ensuring a legacy of care and compassion.”