Saturday, October 19
Hilton Hotel Oceanfront, Virginia Beach
Does “We’re the boys of chapter 370, we’ve got plenty of…” sound familiar? If it does, you’re in for a fabulous treat!
For many Jewish males who grew up in Tidewater during the early 1960’s through the early 1970’s, membership in Old Dominion AZA played a pivotal role in developing relationships and values that helped them grow and mature through their high school years.
A group of former members are organizing and sponsoring an Old Dominion AZA reunion. Former members, spouses, and sweethearts are enthusiastically encouraged to attend. A block of rooms at a discounted rate has been set aside at the Hilton.
Many former members have offered to help sponsor the event that promises to be a first class gathering in every respect, including dinner, open bar, live music, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend an evening with friends who helped shape their lives.
Current sponsors include Mark Robbins, Steve Konikoff, Stuart Held, Rick Lombart, Larry Rossen, Jack and Bruce Frieden, Ira and Lawrence Steingold, Robert Fink, Sandy Goodman, Mark Barr, Mark and Wayne Jacobson, Alan Lubel, and Michael Goldman. Additional member and business sponsorship opportunities are still available.
The sponsors have attempted to include all alumni in the preliminary invitations/save the date email. The challenge is compiling an accurate roster. Any alumnus who did not receive an email or would like to become a sponsor, should contact to provide contact information.
Mark Robbins