On Assignment with Lahav Harkov in 2023

by | Feb 23, 2023 | What’s Happening

Thursday, March 2, 12 pm

Israel Today’s On Assignment with Lahav Harkov on Thursday, Feb. 2 was another exciting and informative way to learn about who’s who, and what’s happening in the Israeli political world, beyond the front page of the newspapers.

Harkov, Jerusalem Post’s senior contributing editor and diplomatic correspondent, offers a wealth of knowledge for all things Israeli current affairs—both domestically and internationally, and she knows how to break down potentially complicated figures and topics.

During the Feb. 2 session, Harkov discussed the potential changes to the judicial system in Israel. She shared with participants the differences between the United States Supreme Court and Israel’s and how the governing coalition in Israel hopes to make changes to the judicial process. The group also discussed the recent decision by the Israeli Attorney General regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu’s role in the potential changes.

Participants asked wide-ranging questions, and Harkov used her insider’s knowledge to answer them all. The next meeting is sure to be just as interesting and engaging.

The Israel Today series is presented by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, and Community Partners, including all local synagogues and Jewish agencies.

Register at Jewishva.org/IsraelToday for the final On Assignment with Lahav Harkov conversation in March from the comfort of wherever you are in the world.

For more information, contact Joel Bond at jbond@ujft.org.

Elka Mednick