One person’s trash is another’s art work

by | Sep 7, 2018 | What’s Happening

What better way to start off the New Year, than with a little bit of cleaning?

When Israel Today’s first ever Artist-in-Residence, Hanoch Piven, arrives in Tidewater, supplies will be needed. In order to have a workshop based on found objects, the Community Relations Council is seeking donations of random objects. In fact, lots of random objects—to create portraits.

The following items are just ideas— think of others and bring them to the Simon Family JCC front desk by October 12.

Anything (clean and safe) may be included:

  • Combs
  • Hairpins
  • Screws
  • Old photos
  • Little figures/dolls
  • Feathers
  • Nuts and Bolts
  • Buttons
  • Old computer parts
  • Old/broken toys
  • Broken electronic devices
  • Kitchenware (clean)
  • Shoelaces
  • Plastic flowers
  • Egg cartons
  • Different types of stones
  • Seashells
  • Small wooden objects
  • Magnets
  • Puzzles
  • Stuffed animals
  • Small sticks
  • Pine needles
  • Old eyeglasses
  • Leaves
  • String
  • Old/broken jewelry

Also needed: bulk poster board, colored paper, X-Acto knives, plyers, wire, scissors, glue, glue guns and sticks, extension cords, plastic bowls, and baskets.

Bring anything and everything—especially creativity.