Sunday, Feb. 15
9 am–12 pm, or 12–3 pm
With the New Year in full swing, some events from last year are back with a new twist. Operation Hamantaschen, a popular collaborative event between the Young Adult Division of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the Simon Family JCC department of Children and Families, is now gearing up.
Last year, more than 100 volunteers of all ages and backgrounds attended this event to bake Hamantaschen cookies for Jewish U.S. military members, as well as for Jewish Family Service clients.
This year’s twist is that on top of making cookies, participants will write and send personalized letters to Lone Soldiers serving in the Israeli Defense Forces, half way across the world. The personalized letters mean so much to those brave men and women who have no family in Israel, but serve that country with valor and grace.
A community-wide event, it is open to people of all ages. Volunteers are now being accepted for either of the two time-slots. To participate, go to and sign up for a shift by Feb. 11.
by Benyamin M. Yaffe