Rabbi Panitz honored for 30 years at Temple Israel

by | Apr 20, 2023 | Other News

More than 245 people packed Broudy Auditorium on Sunday, April 2 to celebrate Dr. Rabbi Michael E. Panitz’s tenure of 30 plus years with Temple Israel.

Pastor Craig Wansink of Second Presbyterian Church opened the program with a beautiful tribute to Rabbi Panitz. Emily Panitz did the blessing for the wine and Sheila Panitz did the Motzi, the blessing over the bread. Rabbi Jonathan Panitz, Rabbi Michael Panitz’s brother, led the Birkat Hamazon. City of Norfolk Mayor Kenneth Alexander read a tribute to Rabbi Panitz and pre-sented him with a Proclamation from the City of Norfolk, honoring his 30 plus years. Norman Soroko served as the master of ceremonies.

 Dr. Barry Einhorn, a Temple Israel past president, read a testimonial to Rabbi Panitz and his family and recognized Shelia Panitz and Emily Panitz for always being there for the rabbi, as well as for all of the congregation.
Richard Yanku, current Temple Israel president, presented the rabbi with a gift from the congregation.
The delicious luncheon was catered by Deanna Freridge and her culinary students from Tidewater Community College. The servers were under the guidance of Joan Bertucci. Nancy Tucker, Tammy Conklin, Avery Wilson, Anthony Wilson, and Coret Whitten worked hard to prepare for the event.
The congregation and many financial supporters made this event a huge success.
Norman David Soroko, is Temple Israel’s vice president of fundraising and president-elect.
Norman Soroko