Saturday, January 26, 10 am, Beth Sholom Village
In synagogues around the world on January 26, Jews will read the sedrah Yitro in the Book of Exodus. Yitro includes the Ten Commandments, number five of which is to “honor thy father and thy mother.”
Beth Sholom Village does that every day in the care it provides seniors in the community. On January 26, which will be Honor or Kahbaid Shabbat, the Village is inviting residents and their families to attend services in the Auxiliary Chapel. Members of the community are also invited to come with their parents.
“We conduct services weekdays and on Shabbat,” says Cantor Elihu Flax, religious leader at the Village. “We have excellent volunteers who lead Sabbath prayers, which will be the case on Kahbaid Shabbat. If you have a parent or grandparent in the Terrace Assisted Living, in the Gifford Rehab, or the Berger-Goldrich Skilled Care Center, come with them to services that day.”