Dear Readers,
Sleeping in. Long walks. Exotic trips. For some, these are the dreams, and perhaps even the realities of retirement.
Creating new businesses. Volunteering. International moves. For some, these are the dreams…and realities of retirement.
Different doors for different folks. And, that’s what’s this section is all about—the varied ways to approach and live during retirement.
Consider Lois and Barry Einhorn. The couple worked for decades in Barry’s pediatric dental practice while raising a family and tirelessly contributing their time, talent, and vision to many in Tidewater—particularly in the Jewish community. In their retirement, the Einhorns have merely shifted focus and location (they moved to a retirement community), as they are as busy as ever. Lisa Richmon’s interview with them is on page 16.
Barry’s brother Gerald, also a retired dentist, takes a still different approach to his season of retirement—he’s opening an ice cream shop in Virginia Beach. His love of ice cream began with his dad in West Ghent, was nurtured on a trip to Paris, and is going public in Virginia Beach. Page 18.
In Tidewater, we all know people who have retired to Florida or Arizona or Colorado or some other city to be near their kids. But, what about moving to Israel where sunny days abound, public transportation is good, and healthcare excellent? The article on page 23 reveals why many make the move and highlights what to think about when considering it.
Most people, however, remain right here in Tidewater during retirement years. Staying fit is one key to being able to take advantage of those non-working days and the Simon Family JCC offers myriad opportunities to get that heart rate up, stretch, and be social. Simply put, the JCC is great for retirees. Check out the article on page 26.
Retirement age or not, we hope this section inspires us all to enjoy life at every age!
Click here to Retirement in Style section online.
Thanks for reading,
Terri Denison