Sarah and Bill Keasey: 10 years

by | Feb 23, 2023 | Other News

Bill and Sarah Keasey

Jewish News: When and where did you meet?

Sarah and Bill Keasey: We met online
May 5, 2008 on We both had Harleys.

JN: What was most memorable about your ceremony?

S&B: The most memorable was to have our wonderful family and friends surround us.

JN: What advice would you give yourselves of 15 years ago?

S&B: The advice would be…stay the course, be tolerant and forgiving, and realize none of us are perfect.

JN: What has been your secret to staying together?

S&B: Secret is no secret. It’s just love, trust and understanding.

JN: Do you have any advice for couples about to wed?

S&B: Good luck! It’s a bumpy road at times.