April 18–19, 2015, Richmond
All ‘teens’ of the 1970s who participated in Virginia Council B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO), are invited to attend a reunion at the Weinstein JCC in Richmond.
Teens of the 70s are BBYO members between the years of 1968 and 1984.
Virginia Council in the 1970s included the following chapters: Cohen, Tikvah, Tip Levin, Ruach, Kruger, Simcha, Deborah, Chutzpah, Commonwealth, Dr. Israel Brown (DIB), Blackman, Old Dominion (OD), Korel, Monarch, Fine, Katan, Machar, and Hamovit.
Visit the Facebook group: VA Council BBYO 70s Reunion for photographs, friends and more detailed information. Official registration is scheduled to begin in January 2015. Direct link to the event on Facebook is: https://www.facebook.com/events/303468273111096/
The last reunion held in 2010 had more than 200 people who travelled from all over the country to attend. This one should be bigger and better, held at the same JCC that the Virginia Council Runoffs convention was held each year, back in the day.
To assist in planning the reunion, contact one of the coordinators, Albert Negrin (albertnegrin@verizon.net) or Sam Revenson (ssrevenson@gmail.com).