With clear air and the waves gently lapping against the sand, the limitless expanse of ocean and sky invite contemplation of the infinite possibilities life offers. Against this backdrop, the voices of Temple Emanuel’s sacred musical troupe, the Levites, meld with the sound of the seagulls overhead and the onward rush of the waves.
Temple Emanuel’s Friday Light worship experiences, held on the beach on 25th Street, offer an opportunity to refresh mind and spirit. These services will continue monthly throughout the summer.
On these nights, Rabbi Marc Kraus tells stories in costume and worship is followed by dinner at the Temple—where kids under 15 eat for free. A bevy of engaging speakers entertain the adults—with topics ranging from teenage angst, to Virginia- Israel business relations and more. Kids are offered a different kind of entertainment, with large-scale games of NERF Tag played out in the sanctuary.
Friday Light offers a Shabbat experience to meet the needs of adults and kids, but the summer-time services on the beach offer a unique spiritual perspective and are not to be missed. For information, call 757-428-2591.
by Carla Grune