Saturday, Oct. 19 and Sunday, Oct. 20
Dr. David Dalin, a widely-publ i shed author in the field of American Jewish history, will be Temple Israel’s scholar in residence. The weekend is sponsored by the Charles Sand Brenner Memorial Fund. The community is invited to all events.
Saturday, Oct. 19: At the conclusion of morning services, Dalin will present “How Chanukah became a Major American Jewish Holiday.”
Saturday, Oct. 19, 7:30 pm, Rabbi Michael Panitz and Dalin will participate in an open conversation on “The American Presidents and the Jews.” Phil Walzer, Temple Israel president, will moderate the discussion.
Sunday, Oct. 20, 2 pm, Dalin will present a lecture on the American presidents and the Jews in the turbulent decade leading up to the American Civil War at Chevra T’helim, the Portsmouth Jewish museum and Cultural Center.
For more information, email or call 489-4550.