Temple Israel Men’s Club won the Gold Torch Award on Wednesday, June 9, during the weeklong Virtual International Men’s Club Convention held in Chicago.
The Torch Awards are given in alternate years during the convention.
After three days of preparation, the award was based on the Geniza Book Burial Project that the club did in August 2019 at the Mikro Chodesh Cemetery in Berkley. Eight grave plots were generously donated by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. More than 125 people attended the Book Burial, including members of the Men’s Club, congregation, and the community.
The award is based on projects clubs perform during the year and are categorized under three themes: Community, Religious, and Education. The Book Burial was submitted under the religious theme. It unanimously won the Gold Torch Award.
Norman Soroko is vice president of community and outreach at Temple Israel.
– Norman Soroko