Monday, Oct. 7, 8:30 am Sandler Family Campus
Hamas unleashed a vicious attack on Israel, killing more than 1,200 innocent people, taking more than 250 people as hostages, and shattering the global Jewish community’s sense of safety on Saturday, October 7, 2023. On the first anniversary of that horrible massacre, it is crucial for the community to remember and honor those who lost their lives, pray for the remaining hostages, pay tribute to the heroes who fought to defend Israel, and reaffirm the community’s strength and commitment to Israel.
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and its Jewish Community Relations Council invite the Tidewater community to mark one year since October 7th, a date that profoundly impacted modern Jewish history.
The Jewish people’s story is one of overcoming adversity, fighting against impossible odds, facing horrific challenges, and coming out stronger on the other side.
Visit for other ways to remember and honor the people lost, including raising awareness for those still being held hostage, learning the names and stories of Israelis who lost their lives on Oct. 7 and soldiers who have died in the line of battle, and ways to take action. Contact Nofar Trem, UJFT’s Israel Engagement manager, at or 757-321-2334.