Dear Readers,
Since Mother’s Day is celebrated in May, this month always feels like an appropriate time to focus on women.
While being a mom is without a doubt one of the most rewarding, loving, exhilarating and important roles a woman can undertake, it’s not the only one. Just ask Lisa Bertini, a mother of two wonderful daughters, who also is a respected and very busy attorney.
Women’s health and wellbeing often takes a back seat to caring for everyone else. That’s why the article explaining how a fitness and wellness regimen can actually empower women, is critical for all to read. And, according to the piece on Joan Lunden’s visit to Tidewater, Lunden agrees. Lunden spoke at Norfolk Academy as part of Jewish Family Service’s Spring into Healthy Living program last month.
Israel, as always, was one of the first to arrive to aid victims of the disaster in Nepal. But did you know that Israeli couples regularly have surrogate pregnancies in Nepal? This timely article is interesting on so many levels.
For Mother’s Day, check out the options our advertisers offer for gifts and dining, as well as for health and wellbeing.
Jewish News wishes all women—moms, aunts, grandmothers and special friends— (because we know it takes a village to raise most children) a Very Happy Mother’s Day!
Terri Denison