As we turn our calendars to 2016, it is easy to think about the age old New Year’s resolutions, such as:
• Exercise more
• Lose weight
• Eat healthier
• Save more (get out of debt)
• Spend more time with family (worklife balance)
• Quit smoking
But, have you thought about making “philanthropic” resolutions this year? Have you considered what you want your giving to look like in the year ahead? How can you give more effectively with a bigger impact? Here are a few resolutions to consider, and an offer to think about your philanthropy more strategically:
• Give, without being asked, to causes (Jewish and non-Jewish) within my community.
• Consider my relationships with people, experiences and influences in my life when deciding where to give.
• Encourage others to give to causes which I feel passionate about. I will discuss my giving with family and friends for the benefit of my community.
• Examine my giving habits. I will examine where I have given in the past year to evaluate if it is or continues to be consistent with my values. What do I want to accomplish, what are my priorities for giving and what inspires me to give? How much will I give? To what will I give? How will I decide how to give?
• Think about how my giving relates to my financial responsibility to the health, education and welfare of my family. I cannot support all causes. Sometimes it is okay to say “no” in order to be more effective and impactful with my giving.
Make charitable giving an integral part of my estate plan to “Create a Jewish Legacy” to leave this community in a better place than I found it. I will consult my professional advisors (accountant, estate planning attorney, financial advisor) for help.
Please call me to set up a confidential conversation about your philanthropy and how the Tidewater Jewish Foundation can work with you and your family (multiple-generations) to develop a philanthropic plan and a Legacy Plan to meet your needs for now and the future. I’m happy to help you explore and create strategies to become more effective and feel more fulfilled with your philanthropy in 2016. I can be reached at 757-965-6109 or via email at May the year ahead be one filled with health, happiness and prosperity for you, your family and our community!
Note: Consider opening a Donor Advised Fund (philanthropic fund) to manage your philanthropy in 2016. For a limited time, for those who create a new Donor Advised Fund with at least $7,500, TJF will match the gift with an additional $2,500 to give away. Discover how to be more effective in your philanthropy.
by Scott Kaplan