Tuesdays, 2 pm, Kehillat Beit Hamidrash
A conservative synagogue located in Virginia Beach’s Kempsville section, Kehillat Beit Hamidrash Synagogue does not have a formal rabbi. But that does not stop the congregation from having a weekly Torah study class. When the original teacher for the class left the area, the congregation turned to the Norfolk Kollel to fill the void.
The class meets at the synagogue and is currently studying one of the classic Mussar books, Orchot Tzadikim, The Ways of the Righteous. Orchot Tzadikim is a masterful work that aims to help the reader refine character traits and maintain balance in all matters.
The goal of the class is to take the timeless wisdom of this ancient text and apply it to situations in everyday lives. “It is a new way of looking at my life and the things that come up in my life on a daily basis, and seeing the events from more than one perspective,” says Elaine Levenson, a class participant. “The discussions help me to be more open minded and better able to understand the root of Jewish laws and ethics and the way I react and respond to situations.”
In addition to being informative, the sessions tend to be transformative. “I am committing myself in my retirement years to become more observant,” says longtime KBH member and class founder Harriet Eluto. “I feel attending the class helps me in my journey.“
The class has a steady core of regular members, but is ready to expand. For more information, or to join, call Rabbi Gavriel Rudin at 757-386-3274 or email rabbirudin@norfolkkollel.com.