Up now and next in the Leon Family Gallery

by | Oct 9, 2017 | What’s Happening

Erez Kaganovitz: Humans of Tel Aviv

The photojournalist behind Humans of Tel Aviv, Erez Kaganovitz has photographed thousands of Tel Aviv citizens, capturing their stories to share with the world. As Kaganovitz told Haaretz, “I’m not trying to bend reality; I am not trying to sugar coat the reality or ‘whitewash’ Israel. What you see is what you get.”

Kaganovitz’s unique and beautiful photographs provide a platform for the people of Tel Aviv, to show that “Tel Aviv is not a bubble. It has everything—Hassidim, gays, rich, poor, refugees, homeless and hipsters.”


Amit Shimoni

With Hipstory, Amit Shimoni reimagines historic leaders from across the globe when modern-day hipster culture meets history.

In the series, for example, the Dalai Lama is dressed in a burgundy hoodie and wears a funky pair of glasses with his trademark smile, Nelson Mandela is outfitted with a helix piercing and a bright bomber jacket, and Golda Meir dons an asymmetrical haircut and a gauge earring in this unique and fun interpretation.

For more information about the Leon Family Gallery, contact Erin Dougherty at Edougherty@simonfamilyJCC.org.