Tidewater Jewish Foundation held their 8th annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony and Service on Friday, Nov. 10 at the Sandler Family Campus. The annual event was attended by close to 100 community members, and was a beautiful tribute to those who have served the United States of America.
Colonel David P. Blake, the morning’s featured speaker, spoke from the heart about the situations he faced in his role as a surgeon in the Air Force. He described the medical traumas and the life-saving operations he experienced, and very emotionally spoke about his own son becoming a U.S. Marine.
Captain Jim Eilberg organized and served as Master of Ceremonies for the event. Clergy from across the region and denominations participated in the service, including Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg, who delivered a moving D’var Torah, Rabbi Gershon Litt, Rabbi Aaron Margolin, Cantor Joel Flax, and Cantor Wendi Fried.
New to the ceremony this year, Quilts of Valor were presented to three veterans: Noel Dudley, Jacqueline Webster, and David Blake. The Quilt of Valor is an award given to service members to honor them for their sacrifices. The quilts were made by Ohef Sholom Temple’s Tzedakah Quilting Group, who also took part in wrapping the Veterans in their quilts.
Recently departed veterans from the past year were remembered, and following a reading of their names by Marcus Friedman, Retired Navy Captain, Taps was played by a member of the U.S. Fleet Forces Band.