Beth Sholom Village Caterers are offering holiday treats for Thanksgiving and Chanukah.
Homemade pies will be available for Thanksgiving with a choice of apple, cherry, pecan, pumpkin or sweet potato. Pies are 9”, parve and $10 each. Orders must be in by Wednesday, Nov. 14 at noon. Pies will be ready for pick-up on Tuesday, Nov. 20 and Wednesday, Nov. 21.
In December, The Village Caterers will be in holiday mode with something new, “Chanukah in a Box.”
Everything (kosher of course) needed for a celebration: potato latkes, applesauce, jelly donuts, gelt, dreidels and candles will be available for pick-up on Thursday, Dec. 6 and Friday, Dec. 7. Chanukah begins at sundown Saturday, Dec. 8. Orders must be received by Friday, Nov. 30. Latkes will be fully cooked and frozen. Just warm them up and serve. Donuts will need to be thawed.
Family of four–$24 12 latkes, 12 jelly donuts, plus all the accompaniments.
Family of 8–$44 24 latkes, 24 jelly donuts plus all the accompaniments.
Family of 12–$64 36 latkes, 36 jelly donuts plus all the accompaniments.
Call Marcia Brodie at 757-420-2512 or e-mail to or e-mail Stan Riddick at to order.
Beth Sholom Village is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.