No Jewish home, or even room, is complete without a kosher mezuzah on the door post.
That will certainly be the case when the renovation of the Berger-Goldrich Home is completed by next summer. (see article on page 27) By donating a minimum of $1,000 to the Honor or Kahbaid Campaign (to be paid out over five years) a family’s name will be part of Beth Sholom’s Mezuzah Project.
“Our gift shop has selected three mezuzot that we will attach to the resident rooms,” says Marcia Brodie, marketing director for Beth Sholom Village. “And then you will definitely want to be here for what we are calling a ‘Mezuzah Palooza’ that will take place after the renovation is complete.”
On a Sunday afternoon (date to be announced), all area rabbis, donors, and the public, will be invited to hang and bless the mezuzot. “It could be the largest one day mezuzah installation in history,” says Brodie. “We can’t wait.”
Shadow boxes with all three mezuzot options are available for viewing in the lobby of the Gifford Rehabilitation unit, the Berger- Goldrich Nursing Home and the Terrace Assisted Living Facility. Contact Steve Suskin at 757-420-2512 or ssuskin@bethsholomvillage. com to learn how to participate.