Community-wide fundraising phone-a-thon
Sunday, January 22, 9 am–1 pm
Reba & Sam Sandler Family Campus
Asking questions is one of the most time-honored traditions of Judaism, and the young adults organizing this year’s Super Sunday community-wide phone-a-thon have a pressing one they’d like answered:
“What draws you?”
The question has been a driving force behind the 12-member Super Sunday steering committee in the months leading up to the January 22 event.
As they’ve learned more about the people, organizations, schools, and agencies supported by the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, committee members have discovered an infinite number of reasons people are drawn to the Jewish community.
Sometimes it’s because help is needed, or there’s a desire to help. Sometimes it’s to connect with other Jews, or to strengthen their own Jewish identity.
As they listened to each other’s diverse answers to the simple, three-word question, the committee members realized asking the question of everyone in the community could stimulate engagement and build intriguing connections.
In a mashup of the old (asking questions) and the new (social media and the web), the committee came up with a way to share answers.
Through a link posted on the SuperSunday webpage, artists and wordsmiths can draw their responses (using any medium), snap a photo of it, and then upload or scan the images. Alternatively, they can post their responses on their own Facebook page, YAD’s, or the Federation’s—using hashtag #whatdrawsyou. Or, they can drop off a drawing at the Simon Family Customer Service desk, and the masterpiece will be added to the Super Sunday 2017 What Draws You exhibit of works.
A few of the responses committee members uploaded in recent weeks include those here.
Amy Kurfist
“What draws me to be a part of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is my desire to be an active member of the Jewish community (locally and all over the world), share my traditions with others and learn new ones, and help others by raising money and volunteering my time and abilities!”
Mendy Fisch
“This picture might represent a day, or liminal time, or the sorting out of darkness and light that began at the beginning of time but which paused during Shabbat when the Creator took a break. Shabbat draws me to be present where I am, connect with those around me, to reality, and to the community. I am grateful to the Tidewater community for enriching that day of the week for me.”
Sam Molofsky
“The Jewish community of Tidewater has played a large role in molding me into the person I am today. When I think about what draws me to offer my time and money, my first thought is the future. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to give back to this nurturing environment in the hope that it will continue to thrive for generations to come.”
Eric Miller
“Over the past few years, I have made friends in Israel and I am glad to know we are helping them in positive ways. I also like knowing that money from our community is being distributed around the world to help those in need. When I was in high school, I participated in BBYO and enjoyed it. I’m glad to be a part of the organization again as an advisor to the teens in our area.”
Andrea Karelitz
“I choose to give back, because the Jewish community has given me so much. Ever since I became significantly involved in the Jewish community during my time in the B’nai Brith Youth Organization (BBYO) and Hillel and Chabad at Penn State, I’ve always felt so at home whenever I travel and connect with other individuals that share the same traditions, religion, or values as myself. More than that, being involved in the Jewish community has taught me to respect and learn from people that are different. One of my favorite things about seeing new places around the world is finding a synagogue to spend Shabbos or finding a Jewish museum to explore. No matter where my life takes me, I always know I’ll have a home in the Jewish community. This is why I am forever grateful. This is why I give back. This is what draws me.”
Volunteers are still needed to help on Super Sunday. Two shifts are available: 9–11 am and 11 am–1 pm. Training is provided and babysitting is available. Super Sunday is sponsored by Coastal Home Mortgage, LLC.
For more information about Super Sunday, to sign up to volunteer, and for details on how to share your answer to the question, What Draws You, visit SuperSunday, email, or call Leah at 757-965- 6127. View more What Draws You posts at UJFTidewater.