Women’s Cabinet kicks off the 2014 Campaign

by | Aug 30, 2013 | Other News

Women’s Cabinet members with guest speaker Dr. Shira Kohn.

Women’s Cabinet members with guest speaker Dr. Shira Kohn.

On a beautiful night at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront last month, 30 members of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Women’s Cabinet took full advantage of the summer evening. Hosted by Cabinet Chair Jodi Klebanoff at the home of her sister Stacy Brody, the 2014 UJFT Women’s Cabinet kick-off featured dinner and a speaker, as well as the opportunity to officially launch the 2014 women’s campaign.

Guest speaker Dr. Shira Kohn, assistant dean of the Graduate School at the Jewish Theological Seminary, addressed the group in a discussion titled: “Beyond Ladies Who Lunch: Jewish Sororities in Postwar America.” The topic was fascinating and especially engaging for the cabinet women who had themselves been members of Jewish sororities in either high school or college. Kohn proved herself a true expert on the subject as she answered many and various questions during the Q&A period following her presentation.

Jodi Klebanoff followed Kohn’s remarks with a few announcements about upcoming events and encouraged all to participate. These included: the Sept. 10 General Campaign Kick-off; the Sept. 16 Campaign Solicitor Training Workshop; and the Sept. 24 Opening Women’s Cabinet Meeting. She then closed the meeting by thanking all for coming; spotlighting a number of new campaign initiatives and incentives available for donors this year; and asking each woman in the room to consider her own commitment for the 2014 campaign.

The 2014 Women’s Cabinet Kick- Off was marked by warmth, friendship, shared commitment, and perhaps just a bit of nostalgia. The Cabinet looks forward to another year of creative, energetic, and successful campaigning… and ultimately, for being able to help do EXTRAORDINARY THINGS—here at home, and in Jewish communities around the world.

by Amy Zelenka