YAD Talks: Monday, Sept. 29, 6 pm
Two new initiatives to enrich education and business networking for Jewish young professionals are being planned by the Young Adult Division of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.
Jacob Mart, YAD Business Networking co-chair, says, “We are very excited to announce two separate events called YAD Talks and Lunchtime Business Connection: Party of Four.”
YAD Talks will be like TED Talks with business-oriented topics delivered by distinguished community leaders. The first YAD Talks speakers are Jordan Slone, CEO and president of Harbor Group International and Dana Rosen, a Federal judge. This event takes palce at Vintage Kitchen.
“The goal of YAD Talks is to connect, grow and motivate,” says Mart. When asked what caused YAD to plan these types of events, Mart says, “Currently, YAD doesn’t have any events specifically geared toward professional development. We recognized an appetite for business-related events and wanted to create some that allow members to get to know each other professionally, provide professional growth and motivate them to accomplish their goals. By adding a new genre of events, we hope to cast a wider net and another opportunity for members to engage each other.”
For the second business networking initiative, Lunchtime Business Connection: Party of Four, young Jewish professionals will meet monthly in groups of four. Participants in each networking lunch will be from different industries and backgrounds.
Shikma Rubin, YAD Business Networking co-chair, says, “We want to give YAD a business networking component and help young adults build their careers. That’s why we’re creating opportunities for mentorship and career development.”
YAD members may register for the lunch via the website jewishva.org. Choices on the sign up list will include lunch in Virginia Beach or Norfolk. These events are open to all young Jewish professionals in Tidewater. For more information, contact Benyamin Yaffe at byaffe@ujft.org.