The annual Young Adult Division of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s End of the Summer Family Shabbat took place on Friday, Sept. 5, at the Simon Family JCC outdoor water park.
With more than 85 people, this year’s YAD Summer Shabbat claimed the prize of being the most successful event of its kind to date. The YAD families enjoyed the cool water, delicious hamburgers and hotdogs and networking with old and new young families in the Jewish community.
YAD presents five events each year for young families, as well as extensive outreach programming to welcome new young adults to be a part of the growing Jewish population in Tidewater.
Young Jewish adults with a family—or without—who would like to be part of future YAD events, should contact Benyamin Yaffe, YAD programming associate at or Amy Weinstein, YAD director at for more information. Be sure to like the YAD Facebook page ( for the most up-to-date listing of YAD events.