The Simon Family JCC gym was full of action Tuesday, Oct. 8 as 19 young Jewish men got together for pick-up basketball. That’s nine more people than the most recent basketball night on Sept. 23.
Participants are part of the newly- formed YAD Men’s Basketball Group, which is open to Jewish men ages 22-45. YAD is the Young Adult Division of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.
The crowd is a diverse mix of young people. With ages ranging from early 20s to early 30s, the group covers a variety of jobs; among them, several lawyers, a dentist, graphic designer, landscaper and manager of an Oceanfront restaurant.
“The YAD basketball nights are great because they bring together many young guys in town,” says David Calliott, 24, an investment and wealth adviser who just moved back to Virginia Beach. “Every time I go, I meet someone new or catch up with an old friend.”
The group meets twice a month at the Simon Family JCC, 7:30–9 pm. Games in November are scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 5 and Tuesday, Nov. 19.
If interested in joining, contact Danny Rubin at or Amy Weinstein, YAD director, at
by Danny Rubin