Yom Hazikaron observation at Temple Israel

by | Apr 5, 2013 | What’s Happening

Sunday, April 14, 6:15 pm

The State of Israel will observe Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day on 4 Iyyar, Sunday, April 14.

In Israel, Yom Hazikaron means more than a three-day weekend and big discounts at the mall. Every Israeli is related to or knows someone who has fallen in defense of Israel. Yom Hazikaron is widely and solemnly observed. Businesses are closed by law. Twice every Yom Hazikaron, sirens wail all over Israel, and everything comes to a stop for two minutes. Even on the highways, cars pull over to the side of the road and everyone gets out and stands still. All day long, military cemeteries are crowded with families visiting their lost loved ones, and IDF veterans honoring their fallen comrades. They put flowers on graves, light candles, and say prayers. And cry. In schools, in workplaces, and on military bases, there are memorial ceremonies. The flag of Israel is dipped in remembrance of those who have given their lives in defense of Israel.

A memorial ceremony will take place at Temple Israel, 7255 Granby Street, Norfolk, to commemorate Yom Hazikaron and honor the fallen heroes of Israel. The doors will open at 6 pm. The ceremony will start promptly at 6:15 in Brody Auditorium.

The event is free and open to the community. The program will be conducted in Hebrew and English. An Israeli Kosher dinner will be served following the ceremony. RSVP to the Temple Israel Office, 489-4550.

Charitable contributions will be accepted on behalf of the IDF Widows and Orphans Organization (“IDFWO”), an organization dedicated to providing social, emotional and financial support to the widows and orphans of Israel’s fallen soldiers. It is customary in Israel to dress in white and blue for Yom Hazikaron.

by Marc Soldberg