Eitan Altshuler


Shavuot: A celebration of cheesecake

Shavuot: A celebration of cheesecake

Who doesn’t love a good cheesecake?!?  For a group of people who are between 75 and 90% lactose intolerant, we must have a lot of chutzpah because we clearly won’t be denied our love of all things dairy.    When I moved to Israel, I was actually shocked...

Next Year in Jerusalem!

Next Year in Jerusalem!

It’s almost here! The Humusiya’s digital catering menu will be online through the website (www.humusiya.com) shortly after Israel Fest.With photographs and detailed descriptions, customers will be able to put in a catering order with just a few clicks. With discounts...

Maror and Chazeret: What is the deal?!

Maror and Chazeret: What is the deal?!

There is a phrase from Isaiah that I find particularly relevant these days… “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who present darkness as light and light darkness, who present bitter as sweet and sweet bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20)On Passover, we eat maror and...

Thinking outside the triangle this Purim

Thinking outside the triangle this Purim

I’ll be honest with you. I have never been a big fan of mass produced hamantaschen. I am generally not a sweets guy, but what I always found particularly underwhelming was the thick crust. When I worked in a bakery in Israel, we would start selling “oznei haman”...

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