Stephanie Peck


Milestone anniversaries worth celebrating

Milestone anniversaries worth celebrating

“Love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage. It’s an institute you can’t disparage.”Frank Sinatra first sang these Sammy Cahn lyrics in the 1955 television production of Thornton Wilder’s Our Town.Here, in Tidewater, several couples celebrating special...

First meals turn to forever dates

First meals turn to forever dates

A shared meal can lead to a good laugh, a lifelong romance, or a future business venture – and sometimes, all those things and more. ❦ For these eight couples, first dates that included peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, COVID dating, and dancing at the top of...

Tidewater dough boys

Tidewater dough boys

Baking is a science that requires the precise chemistry of all ingredients. One misstep and a decadent dessert devolves into a tragic mess, a puffy souffle deflates into a cavernous hollow, or a delicate confection becomes a misshapen blob. ❦ David Leon, Joel Nied,...

New kosher restaurant in Ghent

New kosher restaurant in Ghent

Charlie’s Middle Eastern Cuisine opened in Norfolk’s Ghent neighborhood in November. The intimate and friendly kosher restaurant is supervised under the Vaad HaKasharus of Tidewater.Yogev Kremisi, the restaurant’s owner, also owns Dream the La Cream, an ice cream...

Brushing up on retirement with the Konikoff brothers

Albert, Stephen, and David Konikoff’s father, Arthur, was an architect, but “because we couldn’t draw or use our hands so well, we went into dentistry!” says Albert, the oldest of four siblings. The brothers also have a sister, Sharon Berger.Now, after decades of...

Experts: Develop financial plan early for a secure future

Janet Mercadante Since many people spend money that they don’t have, Mercadante stresses, “No matter what you’re earning, live within it.” She counsels college grads and retirees with the same advice: “It’s going to take a little while to figure out how much you’re...

Stay active in retirement with Silver Sneakers and Renew Active

Turning 65 years old has its advantages, and one of them is Silver Sneakers. A health and fitness program designed for adults 65 and older, many Medicare Advantage plans and other health insurance coverages offer this no-cost access to gyms and other fitness...

Virtual personal training now available at Simon Family JCC

Among the many ways – classes, gym workouts, personal trainers – it offers to help members stay fit, the Simon Family JCC is adding another alternative: virtual personal training. In this option, participants and trainers work remotely via a digital platform, allowing...

New city director named for Tidewater BBYO

Courtney Krutoy has joined Tidewater BBYO as its new city director.“After a long search, we have found the right person who has BBYO knowledge, a dedication to this role, and who is excited to jump in,” says Lauren Revenson, regional director, BBYO’s Eastern...

Letting go at year-end for a better beginning

As the 2024 calendar year nears the finish line, one pervasive question is: How is it possible to leave behind the stresses and anxieties of the past 12 months and approach 2025 with renewed hope and opportunity? With ongoing wars and hostilities in the Middle East...

Linda Fox-Jarvis and Stephanie Jarvis Caskill

Linda Fox-Jarvis never imagined that one of her children would want to join her real estate business.  “It is a rewarding career, but it is also a 24/7 job and takes a toll on your family life,” says Fox-Jarvis who has sold real estate since 1982, regularly...

Nancy Evans and Heather Evans

Born and raised in Hampton Roads, Nancy Evans understands the region’s neighborhoods, which helped her from the start of her career in real estate to find homes suitable for her clients. Seventeen years after entering the field, Evans’s daughter, Heather, joined her...

Janet Porter Kramer and Kathryn Kramer

One unique aspect about this mother- daughter realtor duo –  Janet Kramer and Kathryn Kramer – is their succession into real estate. Kathryn Kramer entered the field first and encouraged her mom to pivot from a career in architecture to selling homes. ...

Mitzvah Projects deserve their own “Mazel Tov!”

Becoming a bar or bat mitzvah is a multi-faceted time for 13-year-olds and their families.  Preparations for this special milestone include studying Jewish history and Hebrew, learning how to conduct a Shabbat service, interpreting a parsha, and applying its...

Mazel Tov! Beryl + Leonette Adler

Beryl Adler95 years old A retired estates attorney with Pender & Coward, Beryl Adler is a Norfolk native. He attended Taylor Elementary, Blair Junior High School, and Maury High School – all in Ghent. Married for 69 years to Leonette, whom he met at a dance at...

The now ubiquitous mazel tov

Sitting in a movie theater, watching a favorite show, or listening to the radio, most Jewish people can’t help but chuckle when Hebrew or Yiddish vernacular is heard, as if they’re the only listener privy to this inside joke. But how, and when, did the phrase “mazel...

John Stein brings a taste of New York to Tidewater

Start spreading the news…Ess-a-Bagel has made its way from New York to Tidewater. Baker’s Crust Bagel, a new concept by restauranteur John Stein, is now open at The Shops at Hilltop. The eatery features a full menu of Ess-a-Bagel bagels, deli sandwiches, and Three...

Community commemorates October 7, 2023

Around the globe, Jewish communities held ceremonies, services, and other events in commemoration of the first anniversary of October 7.   In Tidewater, Governor Glenn Youngkin declared October 7 as an official state day of remembrance for victims of the horrific...

Lay leaders with legal degrees utilize their expertise for the community

Lay leaders are integral to the functioning of Jewish Tidewater. With multiple synagogues, day schools, and various agencies meeting myriad needs of the community, Jewish Tidewater’s lay leadership helps steer the missions and define the goals of each organization, as...

Generations at work together

Editor’s note: There was a time when it was practically expected that children would work in their parents’ business or profession when they reached adulthood. The nature of the business didn’t matter – from a mom-and-pop shop to a real estate office to a medical or...

Puttering around at the Simon Family JCC

A common advertising refrain, “Membership has its benefits,” takes on extra meaning at the Simon Family JCC, where membership includes opportunities that feature fitness and swim options, cultural arts programs, clubs for all ages and interests, leagues, and an...

Getting through the fast day

Yom Kippur begins at sundown on Friday, October 11 Fasting for 25 hours is no easy feat. Hunger pangs, headaches, and general malaise typically set-in by midday, after the last morsel of food went down at dinner the previous night. Jews who observe the Yom Kippur fast...

Full-Scale Exercises test local readiness

More than 100 people participated in a full-day, active shooter simulation last month to test the City of Norfolk’s preparedness in the event of a critical incident. Together with the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Ohef Sholom Temple, and the Secure Community...