The Be A Reader (BeAR) Literacy Program is celebrating a major milestone this year, and what better way to begin the year than with United Jewish Federation hosting the largest ever BeAR kickoff luncheon. Now in its 25th year, the BeAR program continues to ignite a love of reading with young Norfolk and Virginia Beach Title I school students.
The festive luncheon, held at the Simon Family JCC, brought together mentors eager to start a fresh year of sharing stories and inspiring kids. With fun book décor, delicious food, lots of laughter, and a hearty welcome for several newcomers, it was clear that the BeAR spirit was strong. Gail Flax, one of the founders of the BeAR program and its beloved chair, led the event with an inspiring message, “For 25 years, BeAR has been building brighter futures through the power of reading. This year, thanks to each of you, we’re set to reach even more students and make an even greater impact.”
The luncheon’s guest speaker, Mike Goldsmith, Tidewater Regional Security Advisor (RSA) with the Secure Community Network (SCN), the homeland security and safety initiative of the organized Jewish community in North America, shared valuable insights with mentors, discussing different types of security drills and how to respond to potential situations in public schools. His presentation reassured attendees and equipped them with tools to ensure their safety and that of the students they serve.
Attendees were given special BeAR 25th Anniversary tote bags filled with everything they would need to start the year with their new reading student. With some helpful tips on engaging young readers and fostering a lifelong love of books from Flax and Larrymore Elementary School’s principal, David Faircloth, mentors left the event excited to get started.
As BeAR celebrates its silver anniversary, the program continues to grow, reaching more schools and communities. The BeAR Literacy Program is always looking for passionate readers to make a difference in a child’s life. Now is the perfect time to get involved.
Contact Robin Ford at 757-321-2304 or