Exploring Torah through dynamic dialogue

by | Mar 20, 2025 | It's a Wrap, Latest News

Deep learning and spirited conversation took place when Abigail Pogrebin and Rabbi Dov Linzer led a thought-provoking discussion at It Takes Two to Torah. Hosted by the Konikoff Center for Learning of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, the event earlier this month brought together diverse perspectives on Jewish text study, emphasizing the power of dialogue.

Rabbi Dov Linzer and Abigail Pogrebin sign books.
Rabbi Dov Linzer and Abigail Pogrebin sign books.

Moderated by Alene Jo Kaufman, the discussion highlighted the intellectual tension between Dov Linzer, an Orthodox rabbi, and Abigail Pogrebin, a Reform journalist. The two scholars, turned friends through years of Torah Study, explored contrasting interpretations of Torah, particularly around challenging texts such as the Sotah ritual and the binding of Isaac. Rabbi Linzer underscored how engaging in study with Pogrebin pushed him to return again and again to his belief that Torah inherently leads to moral good as a divinely authored text. Pogrebin, who does not feel constrained by such a belief, questioned whether all passages uphold that standard, and was challenged by the ways that Rabbi Linzer was able to contort interpretation and refer to midrashic commentary to get back to a moral message. Their engaging back-and-forth demonstrated how respectful disagreement can fuel deeper understanding rather than division.

Prior to the main community event, a group comprised of members of the Rabbi Sacks Tidewater Community Book Club and subscribers to the Great Jewish Bookshelf who preordered the speakers’ book, It Takes Two To Torah, attended an exclusive dinner with Pogrebin and Linzer.

During the meal, attendees engaged in a study session guided by Craig Schranz, who leads the Rabbi Sacks Book Club, and inspired by It Takes Two to Torah. Groups explored low-barrier Torah texts from the week’s parsha, emphasizing the idea that Jewish tradition thrives when examined through multiple perspectives.

Many of the energized attendees expressed excitement to continue their Jewish Learning.

To learn more about Konikoff Center for Learning offerings, visit JewishVA.org/KCL or contact Sierra Lautman at SLautman@ujft.org.