Volunteers are heavily relied on to help with the continued success of Jewish Family Service of Tidewater’s programs. The community of volunteers makes an incredible impact on the lives of the people served by the organization, with thousands of volunteer hours logged each year. Volunteers deliver meals to elderly homebound people, help operate the food pantry that serves more than 400 people each month, make beautifully knitted items and quilts, and provide administrative support, among many other efforts that help the agency provide support to thousands of people each year.
JFS hosted a Volunteer Appreciation event on Wednesday, April 17 to thank these devoted volunteers. A catered lunch was provided by Larry Adler, and musical entertainment by guitarist and singer Bernie Mayer added to the festivities. Rabbi Meir Lessoff from Jewish Virginia Beach opened the meeting with an invocation, and Ron Kaufmann said the motzi.
Named the 2023-2024 Max Jalpha Volunteer of the Year, Ron Kaufmann is a volunteer for JFS’ home delivered meals program.

Named the 2023-2024 Max Jalpha Volunteer of the Year, Ron Kaufmann is a volunteer for JFS’ home delivered meals program.
“Our team of Home Delivered Meals drivers work every week without exception. It is your smile that our clients look forward to,” said Jody Laibstain, JFS volunteer coordinator. Laibstain expressed her appreciation for Kaufmann’s dedication by saying: “Ron is always adaptable to adjust his route to drive to Norfolk or Chesapeake, and to help out wherever needed with my ever-changing schedule. He has adjusted his travel plans many times, so he is available on Thursday mornings. It is with warm appreciation that we thank Ron for his dedication and commitment.”

After 11 years of dedicated service to the agency, Jody Laibstain celebrated her retirement from JFS at the event. Betty Ann Levin, executive vice president /CEO of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, who was the executive director for JFS at the time of Laibstain’s hire, and Debbie Mayer, who is clinical director at JFS, both spoke of their excitement when she accepted the position as the volunteer coordinator. Mayer recalled being on vacation when Levin called to tell her the good news. “I knew you wouldn’t mind being interrupted on your vacation for such wonderful news!” said Levin. And she was right. “I was thrilled!” said Mayer, who supervised Laibstain during most of her time with JFS.
“JFS has not just been a job for me,” said Laibstain. “It has been a part of me for the past 11 years. How wonderful it’s been to come to work and feel that I can make a difference in someone’s life.”
And she truly has. Mazel Tov, Jody! Best of luck in retirement!
Kelly Burroughs is chief executive officer, Jewish Family Service of Tidewater. She may be reached at kburroughs@jfshamptonroads.org.