Next Generation Group gathers for the first time

The first meeting of the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Next Generation group occurred on Sunday, August 11 in the Survivor’s Room at the Sandler Family Campus.  Comprised of children of Holocaust survivors, as well as third and fourth generation survivors, the group is growing and looking forward to welcoming community members with that shared background.

The response to the first meeting was gratifying, with more than 20 people of various ages attending.  For some, the atmosphere was like a high school reunion with several people reconnecting with dear friends who had not seen each other in years, while for others, it was an opportunity to make new contacts and friends. 

Children of Holocaust survivors share a childhood with parents that experienced the horrors of Nazi Germany, in most cases losing most members of their family.  This loss of family has resulted in almost immediate bonding with other Holocaust survivor families soon becoming “mishpocha.”

Children and grandchildren of survivors who grew up in and out of the Tidewater area are encouraged to join the Next Generation group and help grow this mishpocha.

Anyone who is a second or third-generation survivor and who is interested in joining this group, should contact Julie Kievit, program coordinator, at for more information.