It’s almost here! The Humusiya’s digital catering menu will be online through the website ( shortly after Israel Fest.
With photographs and detailed descriptions, customers will be able to put in a catering order with just a few clicks. With discounts of 10-15% on larger orders, it will also be possible to put in orders for just hummus or baba ganoush to compliment a Shabbat meal (minimum servings of 10).
Pick up will be at the Sandler Family Campus, where the Humusiya is located. Transportation could also be arranged for a fee.
For those who need something outside the scope of the menu or for an event that is large, email to discuss options.
Beyond the new catering menu, additional exciting new operations for The Humusiya are taking place, such as possibly having food available for weekends at the pool and much more, so stay tuned!
At work, I often walk by a sculpture in front of the Campus with a chasidic saying engraved, “Forgetfulness leads to exile while remembrance is the secret to redemption.” It is my hope that this food will help the community identify with its Middle Eastern roots as well as show the wider public that we are not strangers to the area.
Just a few weeks ago at seder we opened our doors and said, “next year in Jerusalem.” Although aliyah applications from North America have increased by nearly 50% from the annual average since 2020, I don’t think a complete return to Israel for the community is going to happen this year. But, how about a spiritual aliyah? Getting in closer touch with the culture of Israel is a start. So, if you won’t go to Israel this year, I will bring Israel to you.
Stay tuned for the final announcement and consider The Humusiya for your next event or meeting. With your support, I am looking forward to doing great things to boost Jewish life in the area. Am Yisrael Chai!
Next Year in Jerusalem!