National Senior Health and Fitness Day 2024

by | Jun 17, 2024 | It's a Wrap, Latest News

Adults over the age of 55 visited the Simon Family JCC to celebrate National Senior Health and Fitness Day on Wednesday, May 29. The day was filled with fun, laughter, health, and fitness – deeming it a huge success.

Vendors from all over Tidewater offered information and gave away little tchotchkes and trinkets for all to enjoy. Tom Purcell’s fitness class danced through the halls giving beads to all– acting as JCC’s own personal Mardi Gras!

During lunch, Dr. Rosanne Leipzig, author of Honest Aging an Insider’s Guide to the Second Half of Life, shared her story and discussed what to do with aging bodies. Everyone left smiling.

After a brief rest and reset, several members returned and ‘danced the night away’ at the Senior Prom.

It was a day to remember.

Dr. Rosanne Leipzig, author of Honest Aging.
Dr. Rosanne Leipzig, author of Honest Aging.
Rona Proser, Sherry Barron, Lynn Bell and Alene Kaufman.
Rona Proser, Sherry Barron, Lynn Bell and Alene Kaufman.
Barbara Dudley and Dr. Rosanne Leipzig.
Barbara Dudley and Dr. Rosanne Leipzig.
Harold Smith and Galina Lifshitz.
Harold Smith and Galina Lifshitz.