Wrapping at Temple Israel

The Temple Israel Men’s Club met on Sunday, February 9 for the annual Worldwide Wrap, a program of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club.

The 12 members who attended included a few who have never put on tefillin and a pre–Bat Mitzvah young lady. After everyone had a chance to put the tefillin on, Rabbi Michael Panitz led the Shacharit services with all participating.

Following services, the group went up to Brody Auditorium for a dairy breakfast. Jim Gordon, president of the Men’s Club, and his kitchen helpers, put on the breakfast. Everyone had a great time sitting around the table eating and talking about human interest events.

Norman Soroko is president of Temple Israel.

Front row: Shirley Confino Rehder and Nayleigh Shannon. Second row: Norman Soroko, Mark Solberg, Rabbi Michael Panitz, and Richard Yanku. Third row: Jim Gordon, Brendan Wagner, Dr. Reuven Rohn, Kerry Harte, and Bernie Quelsner.
Front row: Shirley Confino Rehder and Nayleigh Shannon. Second row: Norman Soroko, Mark Solberg, Rabbi Michael Panitz, and Richard Yanku. Third row: Jim Gordon, Brendan Wagner, Dr. Reuven Rohn, Kerry Harte, and Bernie Quelsner.