Month: July 2014


First Person – A secret weapon – Mitzvot Matter

First Person – A secret weapon – Mitzvot Matter

I hear it over and over again – “Mi K’amcha Yisrael” – Who is like you the Jewish people?Enter the world of mitzvot – our secret weapon. How could that be? After all, what is a mitzvah? It’s a commandment in the Torah, which is 3,500 years old. How could doing a...

Meet Tidewater’s new Shinshinim

Meet Tidewater’s new Shinshinim

Tidewater is starting its third year working with the Jewish Agency for Israel, hosting Shinshinim (Israeli Emissaries) to bring Israeli culture, knowledge, and experiences to people of all ages. Shinshin is an acronym for Shenat Sherut – a year of service given by an...

Nixon’s resignation viewed through Israeli papers

Nixon’s resignation viewed through Israeli papers

Fifty years ago this month, 16 teens from Tidewater were experiencing a trip of a lifetime. . . their first to Israel. The month-long adventure was just after 1973’s Yom Kippur War, adding to these teens’ acute awareness of politics and news.It’s not such a surprise...

Building more than bridges

Building more than bridges

Children signing brachot in American Sign Language (ASL). Students harmonizing with hand-drumming while singing Oseh Shalom. Kids laughing while playing drama games they learned at day camp. ASL interpreters at community events. What’s going on?Sharon Serbin is going...

Summer with a Jewish twist

Summer with a Jewish twist

Cheering on favorite Olympians isn’t the only fun had this summer. There’s been plenty of pool and beach time, along with trips to a variety of exotic, and even more not-so-exotic (yet perfect), destinations. For some in Tidewater, time away also incorporated a Jewish...

Zachary Cohen’s bar mitzvah in Lisbon

Zachary Cohen’s bar mitzvah in Lisbon

After a tumultuous journey of delays and lots of preparation, my family touched down in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal. We were met by family from all over the world. Relatives reunited from South Africa, Israel, the UK, and Florida around a delicious dinner spread at...

A taste of Israel in NYC

A taste of Israel in NYC

Visiting five of New York City’s buzzing foodie hotspots to indulge in an exclusively curated tasting menu of Israeli delights, was a treat we won’t soon forget.The Israeli food tour ranged from sumptuous Yemenite soup dumplings to fire-roasted and creamy cool...

A multi-faceted visit to Israel

A multi-faceted visit to Israel

Joanna and I had the chance to visit our daughter Yael, who was in Israel this summer.It was our first chance to visit Israel since October 7th, and we were left inspired by the resiliency of Israeli society. The experience gave us a recharge for what has been a...

Toras Chaim students visit Maimonides Health Center residents

The fifth and sixth grade girls from Toras Chaim took a trip to the Maimonides Health Center in Virginia Beach on Monday, June 10.An innovative idea of Kayla Weinreb to teach her students about the act of chessed (kindness) while bringing joy to the Center’s...

Liz Dovrat earns PhD

Elizabeth (Liz) Dovrat successfully defended her doctoral thesis on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.Dovrat has been a student in the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning at Lancaster University, UK for the past 4 1/2 years. The title of her thesis...

Nadiv men’s group wraps up successful year, aims for 25K in 2025

Nadiv capped off another terrific year of Jewish philanthropy, social action, and networking during a social at the Virginia Beach home of Bonnie and David Brand on Tuesday, May 14.  This past programming year (which ran from August 2023 to May 2024), Nadiv...


In a world where technology often seems to pull people apart, the Be A Reader Literacy Project is bringing generations together. Senior adults in Norfolk and Virginia Beach are stepping up to mentor second graders in Title I schools, and in the process, they’re...

Simon Family JCC partners with Silver Sneakers and Renew 

Reduced pricing at the movie theater is a widely known perk of achieving ‘senior’ status, but it is far from the only one. A benefit that assists in keeping that same age group healthy, fit, and engaged is less known, but arguably more beneficial. . . free membership...


Lifeguards are integral to most swimming pools – certainly to all the Simon Family JCC’s pools. While the aquatics team has had its share of seasoned guards, most tend to be teens and/or young adults. Two new employees, however, are out of the lifeguard-ordinary: Paul...

Dancing through each day: Susan and Allan Donn

Susan Donn has no plans to slow down.  “I am enormously busy, but I don’t know what I do!” she laughs, explaining how this 82-year-old occupies her days. After a long career as a commercial interior designer, and an attorney-husband who still works full-time,...

Nancy and Jay Lazier: Two very busy and productive people

Growing up in Pittsburgh, Pa., Nancy and Jay Lazier did not cross paths, even though their mothers knew each other through Hadassah. Not until a Hillel mixer at University of Michigan, where Nancy was a freshman and Jay, a sophomore, did they meet. “We were too young...

Virginia Tech student leader visits Israel 

FIRST PERSON: A VIEW FROM ISRAEL  I was in Israel for 10 days through a structured university trip called Israel Authentic (part of the Tlalim Group). Eight students on the trip were from Boston University and seven were from Virginia Tech, where I am a rising...

Gift demonstrates Rubin family’s commitment to Jewish education

Joel and Sara Jo Rubin have long been dedicated to promoting Jewish education. “It began at home and participating in synagogue and Jewish events for our young family,” says Sara Jo. “We were adamant that our children (Molly and Danny) would be raised to practice and...

New Judge in Virginia Beach: Scott Flax

The Honorable Scott Joseph Flax was sworn in on May 1 to begin his eight-year term as a Judge of the Second Judicial Circuit Court. He is the third Jewish circuit court judge to be appointed in Virginia Beach, following the Honorable Jerry Friedman and Honorable Alan...

Jerry Miller receives USNA Distinguished Graduate Award

A 1977 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Jerry Miller recently received The Distinguished Graduate Award, an honor “given to living U.S. Naval Academy graduates who have made a distinctive contribution to their field or community and have demonstrated...

Strengthening community response through partnerships and exercises

Preparation is one of the key functions necessary to building a safe and secure community. This activity takes many forms. Training, facility hardening, drills, and exercises are all activities that allow for the preparation of effective response to a critical...


SOME BASIC FACTS. • During Israel’s 1948 War of Independence, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion struck a deal with leaders of the Haredi community to exempt those whose full-time occupation was Torah study from mandatory military service. Arab citizens of Israel...

Your Dollars at Work

Birthright Israel brings 13,500 participants to Israel  As antisemitism reaches historic levels across the world, Birthright Israel participants will strengthen their Jewish identity and build relationships with the land and people of Israel when they need it...