

Changes and growth for Jewish Family Service

Changes and growth for Jewish Family Service

Jewish Family Service of Tidewater was incorporated in 1948, after having spent decades under various names. Like its name, the agency has continuously evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of the community. Through a process of strategic planning and from...

Moses Myers House: Local Treasure

Moses Myers House: Local Treasure

Last fall, members of the Norfolk City Council discussed selling four city-owned properties in order to save the expense of maintaining them. Three of them are historic homes. One is the Moses Myers House. According to a November 29, 2022 article in the...

Five reasons to celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut in Tidewater

Five reasons to celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut in Tidewater

Sunday, April 30, 12–4 pm, Sandler Family Campus Celebrate Israel as she turns 75 at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s and Simon Family JCC’s annual Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration at the Sandler Family Campus this month. Right here in Tidewater, it’ll be...

Dear Readers: Passover

Dear Readers: Passover

Dear Readers, When it comes to Passover, it appears I’m like most Jews world-wide because it’s my favorite Jewish holiday. As a child, I looked forward to my grandparents traveling from Philadelphia to be at our seder lead by my local grandfather. Now, I look forward...

Make your voice heard in Richmond: Date with the State 2023

Make your voice heard in Richmond: Date with the State 2023

Wednesday, February 8, 7 am–4 pm Anyone who has ever wondered if their vote impacted the outcome of an election or how their voice may influence the actions of legislators, should consider the special election on Jan. 10, 2023 between Aaron Rouse and Kevin Adams in...

Jewish Tidewater 2022…another busy year

Jewish Tidewater 2022…another busy year

Jewish-related news made more mainstream headlines in 2022 than most of us could ever recall. The topics receiving the most national and global coverage included news about Ukraine’s Jewish president, Jewish U.S. politicians, Israel’s election (again!), the synagogue...

Introducing Aviva Pembroke

Introducing Aviva Pembroke

Groundbreaking: Friday, December 9, 9 am For more than 42 years, Beth Sholom Village has been caring for seniors, creating a community that focuses on enhancing quality of life and providing support services tailored to address individual physical, social, and...

U.S. Attorney’s Office to host ‘United Against Hate’

U.S. Attorney’s Office to host ‘United Against Hate’

Wednesday, November 30, 7:30 pm Sandler Family Campus, Free United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Jewish Community Relations Council will host the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia United Against Hate, a program designed to help...

One night only: Wiesenthal

One night only: Wiesenthal

Tuesday, November 15, 7 pm Wells Theatre, Norfolk Virginia Stage Company and the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater will host writer-performer Tom Dugan to present his one-man play about the Nazi hunter, Simon Wiesenthal. This 90-minute...

Camp JCC: a great place to be a kid this summer

  Smiling faces and giddy laughter tell the story with absolutely zero words: Camp JCC 2021 is a resounding success. Days at Camp JCC are packed with activities that appeal to each age group and hit just about every interest. From fishing to golfing, swimming to...

Israel and Hamas agree to ceasefire after 11 days of bloodshed

(JTA)—After 11 days of fighting, Israel and Hamas agreed to a “mutual and simultaneous” ceasefire on Thursday, May 20 that began at 2 a.m. Friday Israel time. Israel’s security cabinet unanimously approved the truce, after military officials presented what they deemed...

Jewish Tidewater celebrates Yom Ha’atzmaut all day long

The sun was shining and the air crisp, making it a perfect day to hang out of car windows and stand up through sunroofs waving Israeli flags and streamers to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s 73rd Independence Day, at the Sandler Family Campus on Sunday, April 18....

Yom Hashoah

Guest speaker: Marion Weinzweig Thursday, April 8, 6:45 pm Via live stream from Ohef Sholom Temple, on the Holocaust Commission’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/holcommission. Join United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Holocaust Commission’s annual Yom Hashoah...

Virginia Festival of Jewish Film

As one of the longest-running Jewish film festivals in the country, the Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi and Alma & Howard Laderberg Virginia Festival of Jewish Film educates and engages the diverse Tidewater communities, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, by presenting...

The Crossing

The Crossing Sunday, February 21–Tuesday, February 23 (virtual cinema!)  |  $12 per household The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC’s Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi and Alma & Howard Laderberg Virginia Festival of Jewish Film kicks off...

Tu B’Shvat: A holiday with a history—Thursday January 28

We sometimes fall into the understandable error of thinking that tradition is the opposite of having a history. We think that history is about change, whereas tradition is about resistance to change. That’s true some of the time, but not always. A deeper understanding...

Looking forward to 2021!

I just took a stroll down memory lane on Jewish News’ website. Although I only looked back one year, it was startling to note the difference between then and now. What a difference 12 months can make. The cover for the Jewish News Dec. 23, 2019 edition featured images...

Giving Tuesday week to provide a special campaign match incentive

Sunday, November 22 through GIVING TUESDAY, December 1 This year—unlike any before it—promises to be exceptionally challenging. And the Jewish community of Tidewater is not exempt from these challenges. A successful Community Campaign is therefore essential to ensure...

RBG: One Justice for All

The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg prompted an emotionally charged deep-dive into her body of work and personal life, including her 20-year long relationship with personal trainer Bryant Johnson. At 67, Ginsburg, aka ‘Notorious RBG,’ who was appointed by President...

Super Sunday 2021—A Different Kind of Day

In a “normal” year, Super Sunday—a much beloved tradition—is simply one part of the Tidewater Jewish community’s fundraising lifecycle. In a critical fundraising year, with rising needs and a true imperative to meet them with immediacy, Super Sunday 2021 became a...

Students return to SIA on Campus

Strelitz International Academy students returned to the Sandler Family Campus for in-person learning on August 24. After almost six months away from their school and their friends, SIA students were clearly excited to be back. It was a unique and busy summer as SIA...

How is this Super Sunday different from all other Super Sundays?

Sunday, September 13, 10 am–1 pm PREDICTION: This year’s United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Super Sunday Community Phone-a-thon will go down as “one for the record books.” Am I predicting an all-time high in the number of cards closed or the total of dollars...

Konikoff Center for Learning. Spark one mind. Change many lives.

David Konikoff didn’t come up with the legacy phrase “A mind is a terrible thing to waste,” however it aptly describes his life purpose and why he imagined the Konikoff Center for Learning at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC with that...